Don't we always feel we have to fit it and gel well with the people around? We are always insecure about who we are. We really feel anxious about all that is going to happen to us a few years from now. But, shouldn't we be doing what we are passionate about? Shouldn't we be expecting more out of anyone but our self?
There are somethings that bother us all the time. Let's name a few and try and look objectively as to how to overcome them.
We must understand that we have to accept us for our physical appearance. We must not put ourselves down based on our physical appearance. We must start loving our physique. Stop obsessing to become fat or thin. It's a good thing to be health conscious but, then don't go overboard and starve yourself.
Look in the mirror everyday, tell yourself, "I'm going to accept the body that I'm in. I'm beautiful individual just the way I am." Believe in you.

Like yourself. A person who dislikes them self is very burdensome. Think of yourself as you are worth of every penny you spend on yourself. Buy the dress you always wanted to. Go out on a dinner all alone, spend some time introspecting on life.
Be humble and polite in whatever situation life puts you through. Accept the people who love you and embrace them. Love the caresses. Believe that you are worthy of all the love you are getting. . Den't let yourself to get immobilized.
Happiness is the way of living. You are blessed.
But, do not expect people to approve of what you do. Don't hurt yourself for your inability to make decisions. You DO NOT NEED APPROVAL. Your self-esteem is located in you.
People who love you will disapprove of what you do.Don't let the disapproval immobilize you. Expect disapproval, when you get it, you won't get surprised.Run into it.
"You have the choice in how you're going to process." Being approved of is wonderful. But, expect disapproval quite often.
"As you think, so shall you be." Stop labeling yourself. Don't label yourself to be bad at something. Many people often feel they are not good at math. We tend to develop a fear against this subject. Don't let this happen to you.If you believe it then, you're acting on it and you get yourself trapped. You must RIP OFF the LABEL. Say to yourself, "Up until now, I've not liked math but, now on I will love math and work my way through."
"You can be anything you want to be." You can choose your personality. You get to make your choice. Break free. Don't hang on to the things from the past. Don't stop yourself. Don't fool yourself. Don't take on habits that hamper your growth. You are working when you are inspired.
So, stay inspired, spread happiness and love. :)
There are somethings that bother us all the time. Let's name a few and try and look objectively as to how to overcome them.
1) Self doubt
We always worry about the way we look. We worry if we are a tad too fat or too thin.We must understand that we have to accept us for our physical appearance. We must not put ourselves down based on our physical appearance. We must start loving our physique. Stop obsessing to become fat or thin. It's a good thing to be health conscious but, then don't go overboard and starve yourself.
Look in the mirror everyday, tell yourself, "I'm going to accept the body that I'm in. I'm beautiful individual just the way I am." Believe in you.

Like yourself. A person who dislikes them self is very burdensome. Think of yourself as you are worth of every penny you spend on yourself. Buy the dress you always wanted to. Go out on a dinner all alone, spend some time introspecting on life.
Be humble and polite in whatever situation life puts you through. Accept the people who love you and embrace them. Love the caresses. Believe that you are worthy of all the love you are getting. . Den't let yourself to get immobilized.
Happiness is the way of living. You are blessed.
2) Approval seeking
Stop seeking approval from people around. What you think of yourself is important than what others think of you. Narendra modi created a landslide by getting more than 50% votes. So, if in a daily basis you get half of your friends to agree to what you say you are a great person. People love you.But, do not expect people to approve of what you do. Don't hurt yourself for your inability to make decisions. You DO NOT NEED APPROVAL. Your self-esteem is located in you.
People who love you will disapprove of what you do.Don't let the disapproval immobilize you. Expect disapproval, when you get it, you won't get surprised.Run into it.
"You have the choice in how you're going to process." Being approved of is wonderful. But, expect disapproval quite often.
3) Attachment to past
We all like to imagine about the what-if's. It may be the guy or girl you thought you loved. It may be the career path you did not choose. You imagine if you have done things differently back then, you wouldn't have been here. But, for all I can say is, don't be trapped by the past.You don't live in the past anymore."As you think, so shall you be." Stop labeling yourself. Don't label yourself to be bad at something. Many people often feel they are not good at math. We tend to develop a fear against this subject. Don't let this happen to you.If you believe it then, you're acting on it and you get yourself trapped. You must RIP OFF the LABEL. Say to yourself, "Up until now, I've not liked math but, now on I will love math and work my way through."
"You can be anything you want to be." You can choose your personality. You get to make your choice. Break free. Don't hang on to the things from the past. Don't stop yourself. Don't fool yourself. Don't take on habits that hamper your growth. You are working when you are inspired.
So, stay inspired, spread happiness and love. :)