All of us want to be somebody in life. Have you ever thought whom that is?
Why loose your identity when trying to be somebody else when you can be the best of you? You have a great potential and all you need to do is just manifest them and try and find out what you're really good at. Not everybody can be good at the same thing. I may be good at badminton and you may be good at dancing and your friend might be very good at solving mathematical problems easily.

We can't be masters of everything. We can attain mere perfection in a thing or a two. But, to do that we must explore various fields; even if it means you've to take up a huge risk. We are meant to follow our dreams and chase them.
It is said that when we are kids, we know what we are here for in life. But, as we grow up we start focusing on the things that are trivial to us and loose the focus we had on our dream, that we were so determinant in achieving. One of the reasons why we give up is because we feel the things that we dream about are never achievable by us.
But like its said, If you want something so bad, the whole world conspires in uniting everything to help you attain your goal. Life is unpredictable and nothing lasts forever. We must learn to love what we have right now. Following your favorite personnel is different than being somebody else.
If its for the good, we can imbibe and bring about the necessary change. We must always empathize a situation before being judgmental about any situation. There are reasons why things happen. Everything is for your good.