Conscience is a man's compass.
How many of you have overpowered the inner voice within you? We have this tendency to over-analyze a situation and take the wrong decision at the end. People who have achieved big in life are the one's who rule their subconscious mind. It's a proven fact that subconscious mind is powerful than the conscious mind.
Like for example before natural calamities, the animals in the surroundings sense the danger before hand and start responding to the environmental changes. We might have heard a voice from inside of us trying to stop us from doing things. But, how many of us actually stop doing it immediately? Hardly ever!
With advancement of technology, we have lost the human touch in everything. People meet others online, start dating each other online. You seem to believe in everything that the other person tells you about themselves. It depends from person to person to completely believe in what they tell. What if your date asked you for a recent picture of yours? Would you hesitate to send one? Well if you are mirror-cracking material, then you wouldn't else you'd think a thousand times before doing so. Listen to your conscience. If you would send the picture of yours to your mother, then trust me you are listening to your conscience. If not, you've to rethink on what you are doing. With all the hype about technology, your picture can be easily misused. And once you share it with someone, it can reach many people.Now, you hadn't thought about that, had you?The changes in our life must come from the impossibility to live otherwise than according to the demands of our conscience not from our mental resolution to try a new form of life.
Personally, I try to overpower the inner voice telling myself," you think too much". I believe many of you have been there. But, its a great sense of achievement once you start understanding yourself. There are a million things you need to know about yourself. Invest some me time. It can be anything from reading a book and thinking what would you have done if you were the character; empathizing others. Start wondering how would I have reacted in such a situation. It answers many questions about the kind of person you are.